Why the focus on ages 13-21?
In September, 2014, we conducted a focus group exercise with an audience of 21 youth and adults. The feedback helped shape and ground our ideas. It was determined that there are many theatre organizations that do a great job with the 8-12 age segment. However, once an actor reaches 13, he/she sometimes seeks a greater challenge related to shows and training and typically “shops” around for different theaters. We feel that this age range is somewhat underserved in the market. Also several organizations “age out” a student after the age of 19. Extending the age to 21 will allow these artists to continue to participate on the youth theatre stage.
How will ImagineNation differentiate itself from other theatre companies?
Our focus on the niche of 13-21 year olds will be the key to our mission. During these critical years, young adults are heavily challenged with peer pressure, stress, loneliness, depression, feelings of exclusion, isolation, condemnation, confusion about the future, struggles with faith, and many more. Our goal is to invite and lead these kids into their theatre “home” at ImagineNation. By uniting with others in their age range and being deliberate about emphasizing and teaching unity, teamwork, love, sharing, and inclusion, we hope to contribute to their self- esteem and utilize the stage to make a difference in their lives.
Will ImagineNation offer straight (non-musical) performances as well as musicals?
Yes, we wish to cater to those who also love the stage but may not be keen to singing or dancing. Our goal is to perform 2-3 total productions per year at the onset with at least one being a non-musical.
Does ImagineNation Theatre own a stage or building?
No, the organization will contract directly with various theater stages and class venues on a production by production basis. Not owning a theatre allows us to eliminate the burden to cover fixed costs and instead focus on the quality and experience of the production.
Will there be “cutting” involved in the casting process?
One of the core values of ImagineNation Theatre will be to help young adults tackle life lessons. Being cut from a production is never fun and although it is never the intention to cut actors from a cast, there are legitimate reasons where it is necessary. Young adults who are cut will have opportunities to participate in the production either in a backstage or technical arts capacity.
Will classes be required as a condition to be cast in a production?
Yes, another core value of the organization is education. We will strive to make the experience one of learning and not “babysitting”. Performance measurements will be required of all instructors to ensure that value is derived from the class experience. Also, you are able to participate in a class without being in the production.
Will the classes be offered during the week as with other theatre companies?
Classes will be conducted on Saturday mornings prior to rehearsal at the same location. We found that our customers enjoyed making only one trip to class and rehearsals.
What types of shows are defined as “edgy”?
Any show that is not defined as rated “G” by the license houses are potential candidates. ImagineNation will at times also provide traditional “G” rated shows but will also expand into broader categories catering to more mature audiences and the defined age segment of 14-21.
My youth is 12 and wishes to be involved with ImagineNation. Can he/she be included?
There are circumstances where younger performers will be necessary due to the nature of the production, extenuating conditions, or other reasons. Such instances will require the approval of the President and serve as an exception to practice.
How can I be involved?
Click on the “Contact” tab or ping us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at www.imaginenationtheatre.com.
If you are 13-21 years of age and seek to belong...welcome home to The Nation!
ImagineNation Theatre, founded in 2014, invests in young adults ages 13-21 through theatre arts education, skills training, mentoring and life development. This next generation will strengthen their self-esteem and sense of belonging while building relationships with each other through love and inspiration.
ImagineNation will perform a mixture of musical and non-musical productions while educating through class and workshop settings. Shows may be either traditional or “edgy” in nature and will consist of 2-3 major productions per year. Targeting this promising segment of artists, ImagineNation will focus on improving and strengthening young adults who are seeking to take their theatre and life skills to the next level. A core value of the organization culture will emphasize inclusion, bonding and unity. “The Nation” will leverage the stage experience and strive to embrace life lessons together, share challenges and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Ray Pereira is the founder and President of ImagineNation Theatre.
Upon taking his first acting class in the 8th grade, Ray knew that theatre would be a big part of his life. He has performed on stage primarily in straight plays and has also been cast in various television commercials and Infomercials. Beginning in his late 20’s, Ray became actively involved in coaching and mentoring young adults--his true passion.
Having shifted his focus from acting to teaching, Ray began serving as Assistant Director and ultimately Show Director for numerous youth community theatre musicals. In addition, Ray is an active instructor for Beginning Acting, Advanced Acting, and Improvisation courses and workshops for youth ages 8-18. He has also served as the Managing Director for two community youth theaters in Houston while serving on the Board of Directors for both organizations.
Ray is also a boring banker by trade and has lived in Houston since 2003 and when he is not wearing suits, he spends time with his wife, two teenage daughters and two cats (Avery and Macho).
Ray Pereira, President
Frequently Asked Questions
Are a monologue and song required and how long should each be?
Yes, both are required and should be no greater than 30 seconds in length (each).
What type of song is ideal for the audition?
It is best to perform a song from a musical production on a karaoke track. Songs from Legally Blonde The Musical are permitted.
Will music equipment be available?
There will not be piano accompaniment available but we will have docking stations for IPad or IPhone usage. A CD player will also be available.
Are auditioners allowed to move around during their song or monologue?
The purpose of the audition is to secure a callback. Auditioners are encouraged to do what is needed to achieve the best performance. Costumes and props are not prohibited but are not deemed necessary. Auditioners are not permitted to make physical contact with the Artistic team during the audition.
Will the auditions be open or closed?
Auditions and callbacks will be closed in nature.
Are there dance auditions?
Yes, dance auditions will take place in a group setting beginning at 8:30 am on audition morning.
Is there an early audition plan for those who cannot make it on August 15th?
Yes, we will provide an early audition option. Please email stephanie@imaginenationtheatre.com for more information.
Will there be cutting of any auditioners?
We will do our best to minimize cutting of auditioners but it may occur due to the requirements of the show. If an auditioner is cut, he/she will be encouraged to remain as part of the production in other capacities.
How will callback notifications and casting be communicated?
Callback notifications will be delivered privately via email, phone or text during the lunch break of the audition. Final casting will be delivered via the ImagineNation Theatre Facebook page. Casting is expected to be communicated within 24 hours of the conclusion of callbacks.
Are video auditions permitted?
Yes we will accept video auditions.
Are feedback sessions provided?
Yes, you can schedule a 10 minute feedback session with the Artistic Team subsequent to the casting process.